GD: FayeJessaRooo on DeviantArt

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GD: Faye



Faye Dennis
Nationality: Irish and Cuban

Smart, charming, poker face,
jealous, bratty, snooty Favorite

French 75 -champagne-based cocktail, mixed
with gin, champagne, lemon juice, and two dashes of simple syrup

Faye was born from a greedy perverted rich factory owner, Harewell Dennis, in Texas and a poor cuban house maid, Maria P.,  after finding out she got pregnant,  he  promised to send her back to cuba with money and the baby, if she never revealed his identity. His partners fooled around with the help as well but, to impregnate one was social suicide... After being sent back Harewell had nothing to worry about; fooling around, money, power, drugs. Until months later he received a baby on his estate and he was furious, maria broke the promise and for days never looked at the child. Planning how he would dispose of the child with no questions or trails. He finally managed to sum up his anger to glance at the child to see a white child. He was shocked, he was sure that she would resemble her mother but only a little. She had birthmarks and dark hair but, was fair with green eyes. He can understand why maria would send her back, the grief of having a white man's baby must've been too much for her. He didn't care however, he contemplated what he should do. He may need a successor in the future she can marry and find a suitable man. It was decided he would keep her and tell anyone who asked him, her "white"mother died.

She was proud of her heritage but, would put lemon and colors in her hair to hide the dark hair, makeup to cover her moles, she was won over for years for the hope to look like the perfect doll. She was aware of her past but, couldn't care-less she loved her looks although the slender look was so popular and she was more curvy then she would like to be. She was showered with anything she wanted cars, parties, jewels! She even did drugs here and there just to "fit in" with the party crowd. It wasn't until her father found out that she would be scandalous through an employee, who was killed for knowing. She was cut off. She had everything through a silver spoon and now was even getting told to leave the comfort of her own home that was given to her. Her and her father was never really functional she would ask and he would give to get her to go away and now she would be resorted to the streets. She thought she was so charming, educated, and (to her own ego) beautiful! How dare he?? She returned to her father's house told the workers to leave that her father needed a private discussion and under no circumstances was anyone to be on his estate. Which they did. She entered the office while he was doing paper work and immediately asked her to leave. She refused and he erupted; threatening her life, saying no one will notice her missing, all her vulnerable spots hit with insults. Hurt and furious she grabbed his expensive pen and jammed it in his throat. She ran from her home after taking some cash and jewels, and fled. She’s been ducking and weaving police, always party hopping. Since then to maintain herself she steals from men after a “hot night” of sleeping pills steals cash and bounces. She’s getting better understanding of working and even admits to herself that she' was such a spoiled brat.

picture shows, make up, gambling, sex, parties, drinks, jewels, men in suits, pearls, powder blue
controlling people, mess, the smell of blood, persistence, unprofessionals, nail biting, bugs,
Image size
2507x3760px 2.62 MB
© 2017 - 2025 JessaRooo
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SagaTale's avatar
Oh my what a beauty!