Magical Girl Yuna costumesJessami on DeviantArt

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Magical Girl Yuna costumes



I'll admit, I haven't looked through my art feed in at least a month.  Probably more than two.  I know it's ridiculous, but I can't really handle the social interaction of more than one website so I invariably neglect one.  Especially with FFX art and knowing the crap I'm drawing isn't really any different than the crap I posted 10+ years that's still here. I'm sorry I've been neglecting people, it's not you, I'm genuinely a lump of dung.

So, the picture.  KHII Yuna as a particularly powerful Nobody who has an advanced fairy state.  You can read advanced and probably canon-contradicting explanations on the tumblr posts… and…
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1042x650px 285.23 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Jessami
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JadeTarsier's avatar
These are excellent!