MLP: FiM - Human Mane 6jess93 on DeviantArt

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MLP: FiM - Human Mane 6



Finally done with this!! I have been working so long on it, it's so weird to not have to do anything else to it but I'm done!! :iconkermityayplz:

I kind of feel that there's been WAY too many examples of Humanized Ponies to be super original, but I don't care. I tried to make them unique, such as having them all sitting, not in stereo-typical (slutty) outfits, Rainbow's hair in dreads and so on but in the end, I still looked at a ton of pics to see what everyone else did and found endless inspiration.

So I drew my own version! Enjoy :3

L-R Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, AppleJack, and Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie and Rainbow apparently didn't get the memo that wearing shoes on a couch is rude :rofl: If that couch was real, it'd be so freaking huge. The background is supposed to be Twilight's library and those are books

Now here's a challenge: Can you find all of the Mane Six's cutie marks?



MLP: FiM does not belong to me
Pic is based loosly off of this [link]§ion=&q=group+base#/d2qu5fc I didn't use the base at all except for the idea of a group sitting on a couch and a few of the poses
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© 2012 - 2025 jess93
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Clumsy-Starla's avatar
IMO, I would never sleep on that couch; It smells like feet!