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Jeryn75's avatar

Jeryn's World 3 is out!


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This is the cover to the third issue of Jeryn's World.

Jeryn's World is a series of pdf-format ebooks available on Gumroad. Issues 1 and 2 were compilations of already published material, running to 11 and 12 pages respectively. This time, I've done one better, going to 27 pages.

How did that happen?

Well,  at some point, I decided to extend the story of TV repairman Husseyn who is given a spiked drink while repairing TVs in a stately mansion and wakes up naked, bound and gagged. First I made the original text longer. Then I decided to partially re-draw one of the two original illustrations. Then I decided to add one extra illustration, then another, then another. In the end, Husseyn's story has three brand-new never-seen-before images and is quite a bit longer and better developed.

Add to that that I am now using a proper design software, I am very happy with Jeryn's World 3. To celebrate, I have decided to offer ten special offers to my DeviantArt followers. By clicking on the following link, you will get Jeryn's World 3 at a special price of 10 dollars instead of 12 :…

But hurry! Only ten available at this price. However, if you come in too late to take advantage of the offer, I think you will find this issue well worth the full price of admission!
Image size
1457x2067px 1.16 MB
© 2022 - 2025 Jeryn75
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Tidyman's avatar

I love your creativity and always will. Rick
