3DS Dragon Painting: Lord of the Red MountainJereduLevenin on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jeredulevenin/art/3DS-Dragon-Painting-Lord-of-the-Red-Mountain-312300802JereduLevenin

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JereduLevenin's avatar

3DS Dragon Painting: Lord of the Red Mountain



Drawn using Colors! 3D on my new Nintendo 3DS system. Took a few hours. If you want to view it in 3D, go here: [link]

If you also have Colors! 3D on your own 3DS, you can Like it on that page so that it will show up in your favorites, allowing you to view it in 3D on your own 3DS. Failing that, you can also view the sped up playback of me painting this picture from start to finish, and after viewing the playback, clicking on the image and dragging the cursor around will allow you to view the 3D layers in a way that simulates the 3D effect, but it is a poor substitute that doesn't do the 3D proper justice. This was my second attempt at a 3D painting, and I feel that even without the 3D, it is still a decent painting in its own right, as it should be. A painting shouldn't rely on a gimmick to be good, but the 3D gimmick greatly enhances the piece.

This painting was done freehand with no references, and the dragon itself is an original concept. Do not use without my permission.
Image size
854x512px 487.48 KB
© 2012 - 2025 JereduLevenin
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happychipmunks's avatar
Oh god. This is beautiful!

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