Academy Of Evil - Chp 1- Pg 5JenL on DeviantArt

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Academy Of Evil - Chp 1- Pg 5



The Academy of Evil
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Academy

Five pages in and finally some dialog. I'm easing into this series with a slow start to introduce our brooding goth girl main character. Once Nina gets off the roof things are gunna pick up. =)
Yes, there's basically a naked boy standing over Nina. Now I'm imagining her uncle Cortex is somewhere having a heart attack. As for Lockbolt's magically appearing pants, I plan to explain that in a mid-chapter endcap illustration.

I got this whole entire page done in a single day. I wasn't lying about wanting to get this comic done as fast as possible. I just hope I don't burn out before I finish the first chapter.

Here's a fun little thing to do. Try looking at just the two middle panels. No context makes life interesting. =P

More pages at the Academy of Evil:
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Academy
Page 1:…
Page 2:…
Page 3:…
Page 4:…
Page 5: [you are here]
Page 6:…
Interlude 1:…
Page 7:…
Page 8:…
Page 9:…
Interlude 2:…
Chapter 2: Basic Villainy:…
Chapter 3:

Enjoy my comics? Show a little love and throw a tip my way:


Nina Cortex and the Academy of Evil (c) Activision, Lockbolt (c) JenL(me)
Do re-blog, don't re-post. Use my art, please give credit and link back. Do not remove/hide my name or link or profit from my art.
If using my art in a video include my name and link IN THE VIDEO.
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3000x4245px 9.81 MB
© 2021 - 2025 JenL
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GreenDingo777's avatar

That fourth panel had me rollin XD