HEAT [cinematic scene]JeneryFilly on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jeneryfilly/art/HEAT-cinematic-scene-933545401JeneryFilly

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JeneryFilly's avatar

HEAT [cinematic scene]



I just wanted to try to draw a cinematic scene and chose a zebra for this! This drawing imitates a frame from a movie with subtitles :D

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3500x1928px 3.62 MB
© 2022 - 2025 JeneryFilly
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JoshuaThomas10's avatar

Easy solution! Turn off the sun! Here is the simple procedure:

Step one: find the secret switch

step 2; on the invisible stairs!

step tree: answer guard's riddles and passwords code

five step: ask sun-manager politely for access and hack system!

final step: there are no more steps.

Now that you've turned off the sun, the heat should no longer be a problem!

... i'm not 6 i swear