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Jhoy E. Meade
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Welcome To My Page Stamp Heart

Now that the DA Shop is gone and Socity6 has changed their model, I have revisited my Fine Arts America account.

My Socity6 is back! I had to delete the first account because the glitches so now I have a new one only sporting the 'last' 10 posts. Hoping to update one week at a time.

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Even dead trees tell their stories by Bukoslav, literature


My Designs Printed On Fabric For You To Buy To Make...Whatever You Want!

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Otterly In Love: You otter be proud of yourself!
Otterly In Love
How to Draw a Hot Dog: You participated in the tutorial!
How to Draw a Hot Dog
DeviantArt’s 23rd Birthday: You celebrated another year of DeviantArt!
DeviantArt’s 23rd Birthday
National Rose Month 2023: You participated in the tutorial!
National Rose Month 2023
How to Draw Fella: You participated in the tutorial!
How to Draw Fella
Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
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Otterly In Love: You otter be proud of yourself!
How to Draw a Hot Dog: You participated in the tutorial!
DeviantArt’s 23rd Birthday: You celebrated another year of DeviantArt!
National Rose Month 2023: You participated in the tutorial!
How to Draw Fella: You participated in the tutorial!
My Bio

Hello Humans. :wave:

I am ... a person who spent years on DA posting a piece of work every day for like eight (8) years until something happened and I got out of it. I stopped taking photos. I stopped making fractals and I didn't write much of anything for a long time.

That dry spell seems to have come to an end. I have started to write longer stories again. But most are just gay porn, well written, but still gay porn, heavy on the kink. So they won't be found here on DA.

But I feel like I'm getting closer to writing something that would be worthy of a DD. If I'm lucky.  So until that happens, I'm alternately uploading photos and fractals every day now.

If you want to see my other stories, because you have already read everything that I've posted here, you can head over to my story blog site. I'm telling you now. They are very, very NSFW. No minors. No complaining about anything other than my writing mistakes.

Favourite Visual Artist
I don't play favorites. :P ( I don't really know any)
Favourite Movies
The Last Star Fighter, My Fair Lady and The Kingsmen.
Favourite TV Shows
Farscape, Firefly, almost anything with a "star ships", The Flash and a lot of anime.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Adam Lambert. Adel, Muse, Shakira, PTX, Black Eye Peas, Dixie Chicks, Ricky Martins, Kathy Perry
Favourite Books
The Physician, The Discworld, Clan of The Cave Bear, Boy Town, Ice Planet Barbarians, The Kraken Book(s)
Favourite Writers
Sir Terry Pratchett, Ruby Dixon, Skye Warren, Tiffany Roberts,
Favourite Games
Sudoku, 3 match games, hidden objects games
Favourite Gaming Platform
My desktop & my iPhone.
Tools of the Trade
Gimp, Open Office, Google Drive, Picasa 3, Foto.
Other Interests
Yaoi, good photos, history (to a degree) and architecture (also to a degree).

I was wondering. What do you watch me for?

17 votes
Road Above The Rest
Road Above The Rest

Fractals. All the colours and shapes.

Soft Landing
Soft Landing

Photos. I like seeing where you have been through your own eyes.

I'm just lurking back here waiting to read what you write next.

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Hello, hello. It is now my birthday and I'm once again late in posting this. I blame my sister. She kept calling me to help her with stuff once she started baking after 9pm. Granted, she didn't call me that much compared to how often she's done before. Also, I did start the cleaning up and such earlier, but it was too early, so I put it off until like 10pm thinking it would be done by midnight. But it's 01:24 now and I actually want to go to sleep. So, last Monday. At first, I didn't think it was as great as I thought it would have turned out, but once I started to work on it, I started to like it more. Then I wasn't happy with the one building being seen in the window like some ghost, but then it grew on me. Now I think it's more than what I was expecting. Last Tuesday. This was received better than I expected. So, I have nothing to complain about here, and I have deeper insights or thoughts to add. Sorry. Last Wednesday. This was the gift I was talking about. I
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Hello. The first week of the year 2025 is done. How did you do? I watched the movie Red One tonight. It was good. I really must be getting old or something because I think I was a little moved by parts of it. The speeches. If you haven't, and you have access to Amazon Prime, give it a shot. Ok. 👏🏾 On to the list Monday Something of an experiment, kinda, that I'm still very happy with. Tuesday Check the artist's notes. I have nothing new to add. Wednesday I explained why it's named as such in the comments. Ask, and you shall receive. Thursday This was one of the last ones I have that revisit something that was posted "recently". I have another one of something, but I'm wary to post it because it's clearly a second shot at something so resent. I think I'm going to hold on to it for later. Maybe next month I'll post it. So, I'll have to work on some photos this weekend. Friday The gem of the week for me, and it got the most favs too. Short and sweet
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4 Out of 5?

0 min read
The two posts that I expected to be low weren't and one that I didn't think would be less than 20 was. So, I came out better than I expected but in a mixed-up way? Monday. For some reason I didn't think purple wood would go over this well. In my defense, I didn't realize that the wood was purple until after I had posted it. But I'm just pointing this out now to have something funny to say. You see a shot out in the real world, then you try to capture it, and it doesn't seem the same. Or you have an idea for an experiment with a photo and it doesn't quite get there. This is what this was for me. Granted, I didn't do a bad job, clearly, with either the taking or the post work, but knowing what I wanted, and it didn't seem to get to that point for me, dimmed it a little in my eyes. Tuesday. This is one I thought wouldn't have an issue getting 20 favs. Clearly, I was wrong. I took this screen shot close to midnight. Oh well. But the ratio of favs to views is very good.
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Where I Also Hang My Hat

I don't just live here on DA. That would have been a very narrow life. 

I have a Society6 page that is kinda back. It will only have 10 pieces posted at any given time. How often that gets turned over/ updated is currently unknown, but I'm going to aim for once a week. This may be my new Sunday thing.

So, the examples below are no longer valid for the art, but correct with the type of items you can get there.


My writings can be found in mainly two other places. 

Warning. Most of these stories are NSFW. Very NSFW. And very gay. 

* Scribd - PDFs of my stories with covers are posted here and they can be downloaded. These are considered my final copies, but if I do somehow find mistakes, or feel like going over the story, then I'll post an update. 

* Jem's Pages -   My story blog is where I post and link to everything I write. I post updates on what I'm writing or should be writing. 

* Wattpad - Is where I hoped to get feedback on my stories and where I posted my newest works until, like Tumblr, I was kicked out. I went back to Wattpad and made another profile to show off my safe stories and create some kind of link between the readers there and my Scribd account. ALL BUT DEAD NOW. SORRY. I HAVEN'T UPDATED, NEVER MIND THOUGHT ABOUT IT MONTHS.

You may stumble across my profile and some of my stories at GayDemon and Hentai Foundry. FYI.

Gravity Bounce by GGK from 'Carole & Tuesday'.

Something to go with my fractals and some of my photos. I've been playing the song most of this time since I watched the show, and I forgot that there are so many still images in this cut. Sorry about that. 

PS... You should watch this show on Netflix if you can.  'Carole & Tuesday'. It's set in the future, but it has some interesting call backs to the music of now.