My Designs Printed On Fabric For You To Buy To Make...Whatever You Want!
Hello Humans.
I am ... a person who spent years on DA posting a piece of work every day for like eight (8) years until something happened and I got out of it. I stopped taking photos. I stopped making fractals and I didn't write much of anything for a long time.
That dry spell seems to have come to an end. I have started to write longer stories again. But most are just gay porn, well written, but still gay porn, heavy on the kink. So they won't be found here on DA.
But I feel like I'm getting closer to writing something that would be worthy of a DD. If I'm lucky. So until that happens, I'm alternately uploading photos and fractals every day now.
If you want to see my other stories, because you have already read everything that I've posted here, you can head over to my story blog site. I'm telling you now. They are very, very NSFW. No minors. No complaining about anything other than my writing mistakes.
I don't just live here on DA. That would have been a very narrow life.
I have a Society6 page that is kinda back. It will only have 10 pieces posted at any given time. How often that gets turned over/ updated is currently unknown, but I'm going to aim for once a week. This may be my new Sunday thing.
So, the examples below are no longer valid for the art, but correct with the type of items you can get there.
Warning. Most of these stories are NSFW. Very NSFW. And very gay.
* Scribd - PDFs of my stories with covers are posted here and they can be downloaded. These are considered my final copies, but if I do somehow find mistakes, or feel like going over the story, then I'll post an update.
* Jem's Pages - My story blog is where I post and link to everything I write. I post updates on what I'm writing or should be writing.
* Wattpad - Is where I hoped to get feedback on my stories and where I posted my newest works until, like Tumblr, I was kicked out. I went back to Wattpad and made another profile to show off my safe stories and create some kind of link between the readers there and my Scribd account. ALL BUT DEAD NOW. SORRY. I HAVEN'T UPDATED, NEVER MIND THOUGHT ABOUT IT MONTHS.
You may stumble across my profile and some of my stories at GayDemon and Hentai Foundry. FYI.
Something to go with my fractals and some of my photos. I've been playing the song most of this time since I watched the show, and I forgot that there are so many still images in this cut. Sorry about that.
PS... You should watch this show on Netflix if you can. 'Carole & Tuesday'. It's set in the future, but it has some interesting call backs to the music of now.