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  • Nov 1
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
Twist Fate: I commented on Twist Fate!
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (71)
birthdAy '13: Celebrated lucky birthday #13
birthdAy '14: Celebrated DeviantArt's 14th birthday
Birthday '15: Celebrated DeviantArt's 15th birthday
As of this moment, all previously uploaded images have had their titles edited from the convention name + year to what cosplay is actually in the image. Additionally, I've added a link to the profile of the cosplayer in the description, if I have the name of the cosplayer. If I have taken a photo of you or you know the username of a cosplayer in one of my photos, please feel free to either send me a message or comment in the comments section of the relevant photos.As for my image backlog, I've yet to make any headwave on that. I've got images as far back as from YaoiCon 2009 (most of the ones not uploaded were hung up in a publishing deal ...
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To the various people both on and off Deviantart who have contacted me about the mound of cosplay and convention photos from as far back as last YaoiCon, yes I'll be getting all of them up soon. If you know me well enough to be contacting me personally about this, then you know I have a bit of a problem with allocating time to creative matters these days. I have not forgotten about them and I apologies for taking so long to get them up. I'll work on them in the coming weeks, double promise.-JellyEdit (10/12/2011):So, yes, I'm a dirty liar. While I'm still working on finding the time to upload all of the photos, I've decided that I'm also g...
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RUinc's avatar
I wonder if I'll run into you next weekend at Sac-Anime...
JellySoup's avatar
Nope. Recently had a death in the family and an elderly member I've been looking after needs more hands on care. My sister should be taking my place for the next several shows.
RUinc's avatar
condolences.  hopefully her Mii will look cool
JellySoup's avatar
She doesn't have a 3DS. And neither do I, was stolen a day ago! :D

I'm free from the iron maiden of Street Passes!
Yuki-chanSP's avatar
thanks fur duh fav~ ^^
Lisianaria's avatar
Thanks for :+fav: ~ ^ w ^
kittymichaels's avatar
thank you for the fave