I am basically just a normal guy. I have quite a lot of things I like for one reason or another. Unfortunately, I am not an artist. You might be wondering, "What are you doing here if you're not an artist?" Well, I saw a bunch of cool stuff here and decided that I wanted to join the community.
Sometimes things might seem scary, but just remember: The crazy people going rogue make up only 5% of people in the world, while the other 95% are good, kind people.
As an intelligent American myself, I know for a fact that there aren't as many stupid Americans as some may think. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly some stupid Americans, just not as much as some people think and there are actually a good deal of smart Americans like me.
Just sent you a note. Do you think you could take a look at it?
Hi, I just made more Giant Candace images.
Happy Valentine's Day. I also sent you a note, do you think you could check it out?
Happy Valentine's Day. Here's a Valentine Video. Hope you enjoy it.
Just sent you a note. Do you think you could check it out.
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here's a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Video. Hope you enjoy it.