The Battle of Ziost Event by Lord-FSan, literature
The Battle of Ziost Event
Jedi Order Event Log: The Attack on Ziost! :bulletgreen:Wednesday, Jan 9 - Saturday, Jan 12:bulletgreen: Who: Who were you roleplaying with? Only one of you needs to submit the form, please, so we don't have repeats. What: What happened? What did your characters do during the assault? Where: Where did this take place? Were you at Ziost, or fighting elsewhere in the galaxy? Objectives: Here, please put a :star: next to the objective(s) you participated in.:bulletblue:Republic/Light Side Objectives::bulletblue:Main Assault on the Sith AcademyAssault the LibraryFinding HolocronsFinding the Mask of NihilusDisrupting Communications (taking ...