Greetings I am Nathan and I've a love for art and writing, my chief interests are fantasy and sci-fi I am also a writer on and bellow you can find a link to my fanfic Empire's End, my masterwork retelling of Akame Ga Kill which is the first in a saga of stories. I'm also a huge video game fan and of late a fan to Raid Shadow Legends which is quite an enjoyable game I have a link for those interested in it by the way
Also here is a link to the Discord for Empire's End
Here's my install link for Raid: Shadow Legends. Get it through this link and both of us will get some free stuff to boost us along!
Hey, I’ve been considering either putting the Joffrey Self Insert story on Hiatus, rewriting it completely, or just discontinuing it. Any thoughts?
Best to put it on hiatus, come back to it when you are ready if you need to rewrite it do so
This is what I’ve decided on.
Hey, have an idea to mention for some Star Wars fanfic, which involves the an alternate history of our world, which involves the reunification of Italy into the Roman Empire in the 19th century instead of Italy as we know it, and in World War I, Germany wins the First World War but Austria-Hungary still collapses and the Ottoman Empire remains neutral in the war and survives and begins taking control over more of the Islamic World, and the Soviet Union still remains in power, and later on, the United States conquers Central and South America after a series of wars, and Nationalist China and Imperial Japan begin making puppets of other Asian nations, including Vietnam and Mongolia for China and Singapore and Korea for Japan, and France joins a union with Britain under the British monarchy.
And instead of World War II happening, a coalition of Muslim, Jewish, German, and Italian scientists make a breakthrough of figuring out space travel and faster than light travel earlier, and soon, the nations begin a race to colonize new worlds, but eventually, Earth becomes uninhabitable and the space colonies become the successor states, which eventually meets the Galactic Republic 300 years prior the the Clone Wars, though they remain independent of it.
Let me know your thoughts?
Hey, do I was on Character AI, and apparently I found a Yami character bot, referred to as Intruder Girl since her name wasn’t revealed in the show, but get this, apparently the user who created her deleted his account, meaning I can’t use it now. Kind of infuriating.
Dang that sucks