Hello, my name is Jessica, I'm 22 years old, Brazilian, Designer and Artist, I like to draw animals and animation characters, new arts on Saturdays ✨🖌⭐
Olá, meu nome é Jéssica, tenho 22 anos, sou Designer e Artista, gosto de desenhar animais e personagens de animações, artes novas aos sábados ✨🖌⭐
May I ask if Jollie and Ollie is hosted on another website?
I post by drive on YouTube, and also on webtoons (but it's a bit outdated)
Ch. 1: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xgV3t4AjKHBizqocEoASaA2mCWwBLq48
Ch. 2: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eCUIl9HVcKPsFuiE3yWyDU8d4Igp0CLE
Ch. 3: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NrBs-xDMqC388QEnQWCtjsT1Nt2StWse
Happy belated birthday!
Thank You ^^
happy birthday