JEZEBELJCErsatz on DeviantArt

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JCErsatz's avatar




I could only delay the inevitable Jezebel portrait for so long,...

Ok, ok. I should have explained this a LONG time ago, but I'll do it now. 

Jezebel Copperton is a raptor who lives in a society where basically everyone is a villain: the government is corrupt, the rebellion to STOP the government is corrupt, etc. Jez was supposed to be the heir to the rebellion and take over the entire "world" eventually, but she saw through the facade and ran away to pursue her own goals. Somehow, Esther (purpleish-black cat) changes Jez's mind to return...

That's basically all I can say rn. Hope you guys like it!
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2000x2391px 2.63 MB
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