My Original PMD Team!JCBrokenLight on DeviantArt

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My Original PMD Team!



Here's my original Rescue Team. My hero Torchic and my partner Chikorita!

This is an artwork I'm using for my thumbnail.
Please do not use it! I drew it for my personal use!
Draw your own or commission me or something :V

I tried to mimic the official style, and I think I did pretty good!
I used the RGB noise effect in gimp then added some blur for that sweet old paper effect~

Chikorita is such a bean! I love her!
And Torchic is just so small and round!! Aaaa!

... So, I'm not sure how many of my OG watchers are still around, but I used to be known for my very awful PMD artwork and comic.
Also, I don't advertise my "side project" much here as I figure you guys don't really give two shits about me as a person -- And that's okay, you know! I totally get that c:
But since this is a special occasion it might pique your interest a slight bit to watch that one Dusknoir artist play some Rescue Team DX demo,
- Just keep your expectations low if you do end up checking it out... heh.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon © Nintendo
Art © JCBrokenLight
Do not edit/trace or claim as your own.
Image size
440x405px 168.99 KB
© 2020 - 2025 JCBrokenLight
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