My 2013-2020 IconJCBrokenLight on DeviantArt

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JCBrokenLight's avatar

My 2013-2020 Icon



RIP flirty Dusknoir. You will be missed.

I knew I'd have to make a new icon for when Eclipse hit... but I'm not really ready to work on that just yet...
I hate how this 50x50 pixel icon is upscaled on the new site so, for now, I have a "secret" alt version of the art of Sylveon JC I made recently as my new face c:

It's ok really, I needed an excuse to make a new icon.
I've had this one for so long so I sometimes forget that this is people's first impression of me... and I mean, flirty Dusknoir is great, but it might make some people a bit confused I'd assume, haha!
    // It all ties back to the days I were obsessed with the Dusknoir from the PMD explores series.. and well that's the long and the short of it really.

I still like this icon.. it was well made, unlike most stuff I did in 2013.
I was pretty good with pixel art for some reason.

Your reign is over Dusknoir! (Sorry, just wanted to say that)

Please don't use this as your own icon.It used to be my face after all.

Pokemon © Nintendo
Art © JCBrokenLight (2013)
Do not edit/trace or claim as your own.
Image size
50x50px 6.5 KB
© 2020 - 2025 JCBrokenLight
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PkmnTrainerAndre's avatar
Hope they remake Sky one day, it would be awesome