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I CANNOT WAIT for the new Bat-flick. Everytime I see Heath Ledger as the Joker I say the same thing: "Man he is creepy." Here's a link to the trailer [link]
This is a scratchboard piece of the Clowned Prince done from a screen capture from the new trailer. This is thr first scratchboard I have done in awhile and think I could do better and may re do it, but we'll see. Its one of those pieces where I dont like it but everytime i walk past it on my desk I get the willies. "Evening... Co-Missioner..."
Cant wait.
This is a scratchboard piece of the Clowned Prince done from a screen capture from the new trailer. This is thr first scratchboard I have done in awhile and think I could do better and may re do it, but we'll see. Its one of those pieces where I dont like it but everytime i walk past it on my desk I get the willies. "Evening... Co-Missioner..."
Cant wait.
Image size
875x691px 351.79 KB
© 2008 - 2025 JazzRy
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