[PRICES LOWERED 1/8] Lepitsune Batch #15jaywalkings on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jaywalkings/art/PRICES-LOWERED-1-8-Lepitsune-Batch-15-534709888jaywalkings

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jaywalkings's avatar

[PRICES LOWERED 1/8] Lepitsune Batch #15




HELLO I'M FREE FROM EXAMS!! HELLO SUMMER!!! HELLO WORLD!!!!! kicking it off with a lepi batch and this time there are eight again!!! i hope you like them!! half of them have edits and half of them don't and are priced accordingly!

also though it's still under construction for now, I'm proud to present the lepitsune weebly! now that i have the time, i hope to get trait/rarity charts up soon together with more lore! *H*9!! thank you for looking!

- payment must be made via paypal (USD)
- upon winning, i will note you my paypal and upon payment the full-res unwatermarked image
- payment must be sent within 24 hours or the adopt will go back up for sale!
- once bought, the design is free to be used and changed however you'd like. 
- resells allowed only at the same price you bought it for or less, and in the case of commissioned/extra art the equivalent price can be added on.

Plummer Summer: Chital
Gold Velvet: Arccyfox
Fortune Flare: crowlets
Citrus Splash: Madam-Chair

Despite the dark appearance of their fur, this lepitsune is actually happy and friendly, always eager to help guide those lost in the darkness. The bright specks in their fur seem to glow in the dark.

Sighing Sky:
This lepitsune seems to have found some disappointment in the world already, and to escape it they can frequently be found watching the sky where the clouds drift, daydreaming of spending all their time up with them away from everything.

Bark Blue:
probably needs a map

Cotton Bud:
A shy gentle child with cotton soft fur, fond of granting kind and happy wishes!
Image size
1238x1198px 1.15 MB
© 2015 - 2025 jaywalkings
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chrfahnestock's avatar
if i cluld afford bio omg...