Supergirl Slightly Alteredjaysamaluvsya on DeviantArt

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Supergirl Slightly Altered



First, I'd like to apologize to Michael Turner.

A good friend of mine wanted to find a good pic of the Supergirl she uses in our RP. She found a really great pic (original can be found here [link]
So I took the pic.. and kind of changed her outfit. For me it was a real experiment in altering pics convincingly. I know it's not perfect, but I think it looks darn cool. I love Supergirl in this outfit, it's without a doubt my fave.
I started this project last night, and worked through this afternoon. It didnt' take as long as I thought it would. I just used the same techniques I use when coloring and shading my black and white sketches. There are some parts I had to copy and paste from other pics, just to make it look more authentic. Me trying to draw in details with my mouse would have.. well it just would have been horrid.

Here ya go, Nessa. Hope this works for ya!
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461x700px 260.18 KB
© 2007 - 2025 jaysamaluvsya
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