Tigatronjaybee003 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jaybee003/art/Tigatron-911722374jaybee003

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Alliance: Neutral (formerly Maximals)
Home: Shattering Tundra, Eukaris
Alternate form: Robotic white tiger (Cybercat)

Tigatron was once Big Convoy’s greatest soldier. Fast, nimble, wise, and noble, Tigatron was greatly looked upon by his comrades and was popular among the denizens of Legrendia. However, when Predacons invaded the kingdom, Tigatron lost his closest ally, Snowstalker. The event made him realize that the Maximal-Predacon war was destroying their home world and was costing the lives of Eukarians everywhere. When the invasion was over, Tigatron fled Legrendia, no longer being a Maximal.

At some point, he met up with the squadron of Optimus Primal, which led to him becoming close with Airazor. The two shared a love for their home world’s fragile ecosystem and both greatly despised the war, but whereas Tigatron was a rogue Airazor was loyal to Optimus Primal. Even when they are far far away from each other, Tigatron and Airazor remain spiritually close with one another. But he has never let go of Snowstalker, and one day wishes to avenge her death by hunting her killer…

Tigatron possesses a gut gun like Cheetor’s, but his can freeze its targets in a single shot. He is also equipped with a sword (which stores in a scabbard made from his beast mode tail) and possesses claws that can flip out on each forearm for close hand combat.
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jaybee003's avatar

Tigtron was better