Defending Fujin777

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Jax1776's avatar
Ever since you DA admins here banned :iconirenebelserion69: for standing up against Antifa, everyone in the Conservative community has been on high alert.

Now, you've banned my good friend :iconfujin777: for exposing the SJW/Antifa agenda. That only sends out the message that Conservatives aren't welcome here and political-cartoons and artwork are ban-worthy. But what about the artwork that portrays messages of Anti-Trump, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Americanism?  They're ban-worthy as it promotes bad behavior, and yet they still remained upon this site.

Take users who harassed :icon8teamfriends8: by going as far as doxing her and taunting her to kill herself, and yet they don't get punished?

Censoring people who speak out against the SJW/Antifa agenda and giving in to the violent Far-Left terrorists that we've been exposing.

If this is an attempt to intimidate and silence the rest of us, you're wrong if you think we'll just cower into submission. Let :iconfujin777: appeal your decision, and restore his account so that he can peacefully enjoy his 1st Amendment rights, no matter how polarizing you think he is.

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Divine-Trooper's avatar

Hmmm are you sure Fujin777 got banned for standing up against SJWs and Antifa, not because he talks about politics 24/7? I also talk about politics too but not as much as him.