Beautiful hagJasmineRobotnik on DeviantArt

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JasmineRobotnik's avatar

Beautiful hag

Character  Gruntilda WinkybunionLocation  Spiral Mountain


Dont ask. im just in a Banjo Kazooie kick, Gruntilda is one of my favorite characters. I imagined her putting on the super crown. That woman is actually an accurate depiction of myself in real life. rather than my Jasmine Robotnik persona I often use. ( yes im bald lol) 

Banjo-Kazooie - Gruntilda Icon 

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Da Vinci Fella (Artists) This was done in Clip Studio Paint Da Vinci Fella (Artists)


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Iloveguysbabe's avatar

The Super Crown's power is not to turn it's user beautiful exactly, but to turn them into Princess Peach with the appearance and powers that come with that. That's why "Booette" is stupid.