Story Jargum's ShipJargum on DeviantArt

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Story Jargum's Ship



Whenever I write more about Jargum in the Star Wars setting, he'll have this ship. It's a heavily modified Old Republic LAAT/i Gunship he found in 'ok' condition out in a huge junkyard. He sold anything he couldn't use and bought what he needed over time.

The modified version is spaceworthy and equipped with much larger engines, life-support, hyper-drive, etc so that it can move faster than a Y-wing but not as fast as a X-wing in sublight speed. To make room for those mods the missle system in the fuselage was removed. The side-turrets were removed and the forward and rear lasers have been increased in power and range. The wing turrets were also removed and instead have two shield generators that go down to the tips of the wings. The hold has been increased in size and no longer is able to open each side completely. The missle mounts under the wings were modded a bit and now carry five smaller concussion missles each. Inside there are two bunks, storage space, a kitchenette, and a droid socket for a navigational astromech.

It's what he uses to get where he wants to go, where his bounties are, and if he needs to carry freight 'cause he's poor.
Kinda lopsided but I like it. *Thank you New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Ships*
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BSkull24's avatar
that ship shouldn't have the shield, because it would be a hard shield to figure out how it would go to work with that ship figure.