Prowlers of the nights (traditional)jaredyboy on DeviantArt

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jaredyboy's avatar

Prowlers of the nights (traditional)



A digital version will be released soon. But let the record show, this is an homage piece to Norm Breyfogle, arguably the best batman artist to date. A lore heavy version will be revealed soon
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1700x2338px 1.28 MB
© 2021 - 2025 jaredyboy
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Tsuki222's avatar

VERY interesting situation and confrontation. With her being broken by the Joker, Catra she has a quite strong will (ie resisted Prime despite her being both chiped and brainwashed/possessed by his clone blood), though she is also canonicaly at least severelly mentally dusturbed, even ill, especially after Shadow Weaver used her, and betrayed her knowing it would probably cause her death, Hordak tortured twice in row with asyphaxion, publically humiliated her and sent as a "mercy" on a mission he though she would die on (which I guess here happened something similar, or perhaps similar how Glimmer beat Catra on multiple levels in season 4). To the point she actually did say in the Crimson Waste a variation of Joker's famous quote from the Killing Joke - "Some people had a bad day. I had a bad life". So it's kinda appropriate