Broken Dolls are ScaryJaqueRabbit on DeviantArt

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Broken Dolls are Scary



Ayyyy Cherrie (who was originally created waaaay back in like 2008)
[Original, WIP comparisons]

I tried a bunch of new coloring things on this one and wow am I pleased with it
If I could add my own art to m favorites I would because this is my new personal fav of my art

(okay now im going to write about Cherrie a  bit so feel free to skip if you're not interested)

Cherrie is a Homunculus created by an Angelic Organization known as the Neo-Archs. Her purpose was to infiltrate and devour the Demon Armies that were ravaging Earth, under the guise of a human child. Unfortunately the seals inside her shell were not properly inscribed and slowly Cherrie was twisted by the Evil Energies swirling inside her stomach

Still far from a Demon herself, Cherrie still mindlessly attempts to follow her original instruction. Too bad for her that the line between 'Human' and 'Demon' is blurred by rose tinted glasses.
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800x762px 652.91 KB
© 2014 - 2025 JaqueRabbit
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xXMeganJaineXx's avatar
I love love love the shading on this picture. The colors are so vibrant and it has a wonderful texture. Gorgeous piece!