Daisy Duck (Quack Pack)JamesCartoonGona on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jamescartoongona/art/Daisy-Duck-Quack-Pack-794751606JamesCartoonGona

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Daisy Duck (Quack Pack)



I've been having a Donald Duck marathon lately.  For the first time in ages, I'm watching all the classic Donald Duck shorts. Along with the original Ducktales and Quack Pack.

You know. Quack Pack sadly didn't get to shine during it's Disney Afternoon run.  Mostly because the Block was in it's twilight years, as it only had 1 season.  I've always enjoyed Quack Pack as a kid and it holds up well.  I wish the series was officially on DVD, but I guess there is no demand.

If you missed this show during it's syndication, please give it a second chance.  The show is well designed and the characters are hilariously expressive.  Sure Donald's nephews are the weak aspect of the show, however, Donald, Daisy, the secondary and villain characters make up for them.
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