Chun Li Sporty 4ajagged-eye on DeviantArt

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jagged-eye's avatar

Chun Li Sporty 4a



In celebration of passing 3000 views, Vanessa and I got together again to re-visit the Chun Li look. And as a special bonus, I am posting this raw image as stock. So artists get a creating!

Models: Vanessa Wedge
Hair: :iconcellesteinc:
Makeup: :icongypsygrrl13:
Costumes: Vanessa Wedge

Stock usage rules: [link]

If you like Vanessa in this image check out some of her other images:

If I list a model's icon on DA, it'd be kind of you to drop them a tag or a note letting them know you've used them, so they can see!

If you like this stock set drop me a line and let me know. I have many more poses from this series.

Thank you for your support

Image size
2832x4256px 4.9 MB
anonymous's avatar
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VicazaDila's avatar

Thank you for this great stock image.

Link Here:

Chun-Li - Street Fighter