ThoroughbredRaceHorseStockJAGfotos on DeviantArt

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JAGfotos's avatar




Read Me First!

Hello! I am glad you are interested in using my stock. I ask that you please read and follow my rules as these are both my personal horses and friends horses. I will discontinue posting stock if these rules are not followed. Thank you! 

Please Do!
:bulletgreen: Credit me, JAGfotos, in the artists description of any deviation where my stock image is used. If used off dA, please have the text: '' located somewhere easily visible on the image. 
:bulletgreen: Notify me of usage via comment under the specific stock image used. 
:bulletgreen: Make beautiful art with the small aid of my stock!

Please Don't.
:bulletblack: Use these stock images in any sort of excessively gory, harmful (physical or psychological) material. If you would like specific clarification, please note me.
:bulletblack: Repost the original on ANY site. 
:bulletblack: Redistribute by making pre-cuts, premades, etc. 
:bulletred: My stock is not welcome on the RPG/SIM sites or For other similar sites, please ask first and credit MUST be easily viewable on the image.

These images are formatted to be used generally as artistic references (opposed to photo-manipulation). If you are interested in a larger version to use for a detailed photo-manipulation, please note me.

2013 © Molly Mellinger aka JAGfotos 

.: Read the comments :. Stamp by Beti-Kot Thank you for the fav by fear-the-brilliance
Image size
627x767px 781.57 KB
© 2014 - 2025 JAGfotos
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