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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • July 7
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (252)
My Bio

Hi! I'm just a random girl with a love of art!

Things about me? Well I'm aspiring to be a voice actor, hobbies right now include art, the occassional baking, Roleplaying, gaming and odd projects when I get bored.
I love music, particularly Rock music. (I don't like remixes. bleh.)

I have a few cats and a snake that are my buddies for life, as well as a large family of drama queens.

Most likely things you'll see me post are pokemon related, I live and breathe pokemon, and know WAY too much than is healthy. xD

And now a word from our sponsers:
:icondoctorwholaplz::iconknuxwinplz: :iconthankyoutailsplz: :iconyourocksonicplz::iconbklynsharkexpert: :iconyaayplz:
:iconcheerplz::iconmew--plz: :iconbummy1::iconbummy2::iconbummy3:
poke la's

Favourite Visual Artist
Vincent Van Gogh
Favourite Movies
Finding Nemo :3
Favourite TV Shows
Chuck, Doctor who, Avatar the last air-bender, Legend of Korra.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sting, Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, P!nk,
Favourite Books
Voyageurs, Lord of the rings, Harry potter, the Inkheart trilogy.
Favourite Writers
J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite Games
SA2 (sonic adventure 2 for gamecube) Pokemon Emerald, LoZ Majora's mask, Sly cooper series.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil crayons, pens, watercolour, digital.
Other Interests
any form of art, pokemon, sonic comics, fashion, travel, singing, Bass guitar, and cookies
I haven't been tagged in forever!!!I'm pretty tired and lazt though, just warning you.Tagged by the wonderful :icondragongirl787: THE RULESSS :1. Write 13 facts about yourself2. Answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 questions the people you tag will have to answer. (not gonna)3. You have to tag 13 people. (make me)4. You can't say you don't do tags. (watch me)5. Tag-backs are ALLOWED.6. YOU MUST MAKE A JOURNAL ENTRY. NO COMMENTS. 7. You have to finish this within a week. If not, you'll have to do whatever the creator tells you to. Art, rp, etc. (who came up with this one??)8. Be creative with the title  13 Facts  Okaayy uh, we...
anonymous's avatar
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Hellooooooo Hope you all had a good summer, mine was great and adventurous. C: Allllllssssooooooooo I'm so bad at social media, and starting projects. (I swear, I have started so many unfinishable things.......) But hey, what's a few more, right?You might see things from me soon. Things that I am determined to succeed in. I've been working on this project for nearly a year, now, and I aim to post regularly. I'm working up the courage to set up a tumblr and patreon, but I'm not quite ready to become a slave to the internet just yet.Also, I was accepted to college, (I was picked out of 40 people, not to brag~) Which starts hella soon, and, i...
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Rules: 1. Post 8 facts about your character 2. Tag 8 characters and their creators 3. Post the characters names and their creator's avatars. Ignoring most of the rules, I just wanted to do this because reasons. (Too tired to do relevant things with my time.) Gonna do two characters: Geo and Zayne, and feel free to completely ignore. 1 – Zayne was my first RPC ever. And I love him to pieces. Geo was actually invented near the same time, but he was an 'extra' that popped up here and there on occasion as a not-quite baddie. (Where in reality, he is SO FAR from being bad.) 2 – Zayne was based strongly off Zuko, while Geo was based off myself c...
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Profile Comments 1.6K

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pk-condor's avatar

You have with your loved ones a Happy Birthday and this year God fill you with blessings  and happiness my friend. =P:#1::airborne::airborne::airborne::cake::party::party::party::hug::huggle::happybounce::happybounce::cake:

Are you still active here? If so, is your Mobian Pokemon project dead?
DylanCArt's avatar
You are awesome.
Raff-Toons's avatar
Hello! I like to say I really love your mobian pokemon art! They're so creative! :D
Doctoreye's avatar
Happy Birthday mate!
ShadowEclipex's avatar
Happy Happy Birthday,
From all of us to you!!~
We wish it was our Birthday
So we could party too!!~
Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D
SPQR21's avatar
Happy birthday, Jade! I hope you're safe and well. If you've just abandoned this account, I'd like to know what your new account is, 'cause I'd totally follow you. ^^