Waitingjadeelaw on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jadeelaw/art/Waiting-210860906jadeelaw

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"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - C. Sagan

Ichiru Kiryu (Vampire Knight by M. Hino)

This is my collaboration with *SasuSakuFan which is very much overdue. (I'm so sorry, my friend!) This is the line art which she will be coloring! Exciting! My first collaboration!

Sasu suggested we put Ichiru in a park on steps and somehow, it evolved into this.
I've put Ichiru on the bottom of bridge steps with sakura trees in the background. He is dressed in traditional clothes for a Shinto groom. Who or what is he waiting for, I'll leave to your imagination. ;)

I will also be doing my own coloring as well. I hope you guys like it! <3
Image size
1438x3090px 3.13 MB
© 2011 - 2025 jadeelaw
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WomanInGreen13's avatar
Yays a much better version no longer is it blurry when i zoom in :giggle: now i be sure to work on it rigth after coming back from work. *all ready excited to work on it badly*