Shards of Mejadeelaw on DeviantArt

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jadeelaw's avatar

Shards of Me



"Shards of Me"

OH MY, I am finally done this- I would say this took upwards of 10 hours, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
I did an original sketch (you can find that here ) and then redid the entire thing in PSE. There are a lot of mistakes, but I'm still fairly new to PSE and digital art, so I hope you'll forgive me!

This piece was requested by FlawlessInnocence, who wanted a reflection mirror piece (you can read her request in the original sketch description). Her request was great, and gave me an interesting opportunity to challenge myself by putting a spin on her request (different pose, clothes, hand outfront and mirror shards etc.) The biggest spin, and biggest challange, was the mirror shards- Since Zero is ultimately a tortured, dynamic character, I wanted to use shards to convey his splintered thoughts/feelings/mental state.

I hope you guys like this! Like all my work, please feel free to respectfully comment and critique! :D

p.s. Zero Kiryu & Vampire Knight belong to M. Hino
Image size
1000x771px 445.4 KB
© 2011 - 2025 jadeelaw
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FairyWizardPotter's avatar
Oh my wow!!! I love this!!! I love Zero and this is so good!!! I really like the pain you captured.