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Sneak peek into one of my main characters in a manga I'm starting to work on. I'm not going to say too too much about this character other than he is one of three main characters I've come up with...this is just a very rough character sketch, but I may make this into an actual panel. So that being said:
Name: Takeda Ryosuke (surname Takeda meaning "warrior rice field", given name meaning "good help")
Height: 5'9 (175 cm)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair: Black
Blood type: O
Personality: The wild card. Friendly and artistic, Ryosuke's open personality many attracts people to him. He may seem open and carefree, but Ryosuke has a painful secret which he hides from the rest of the world...
Hope you guys like him and i hope you guys like the other characters to come!
Name: Takeda Ryosuke (surname Takeda meaning "warrior rice field", given name meaning "good help")
Height: 5'9 (175 cm)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair: Black
Blood type: O
Personality: The wild card. Friendly and artistic, Ryosuke's open personality many attracts people to him. He may seem open and carefree, but Ryosuke has a painful secret which he hides from the rest of the world...
Hope you guys like him and i hope you guys like the other characters to come!
Image size
992x741px 487.23 KB
© 2011 - 2025 jadeelaw
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