Hey, everyone! My name is Jackson, but you probably know me as Jacob Pendra-Huth, Fanfiction writer of the 'Sword Art Kingdom' series.
My specialty is anime or video game characters in colored pencil. My favorite anime series are mainly Sword Art Online, One Piece and Fairy Tail, and my favorite video game series are Sonic the Hedgehog (minus the Boom series), and Kingdom Hearts. This is where I mainly put the pictures for my 'Sword Art Kingdom' series, and where I also think up of OC characters of my own fun. I may have a Facebook profile, but I don't use it as much as DeviantARTs and Fanfiction, so if you wish to talk to me online, speak here or on the link below. Bring your Inspiration Imagination to life, and bring a bright hope to all!
hey, uh, jacksonswordsman. are you feeling better?
I feel sorry about your sickness and the dumb things I said in fanfiction, ever since I saw sword art kingdom, I been imagining about sword art kingdom awhile, but I see that you have your own things to handle here, I just want to apologize and maybe I'll stop being a troll towards you
I've been meaning to ask you, but are you doing okay?
I fear that the sickness of yours got the better of you. I'm not asking u to continue your work, but i'm just a worried fan.
I am doing fine. I am trying to get back to it, but have been getting writers block constantly.
Sorry to hear that. This year is going on a double edged start. Persona 3: Reload and FF7: Rebirth is now available, but the bad stuff is worst; Rooster Teeth is shutting down, whether RWBY will continue or not is concerning, and the Creator of Dragon Ball has left us.
Two great games, and two great losses. Unfortunately, that doesn’t balance things out, but I know they are trying to sell RWBY to someone who can finish the story! I want to know how it ends! Just don’t make it as bad as Gen:LOCK season 2!
Genshin-related, but it regards SAK3's development of Resolute Oasis.
With many characters from various worlds arriving into one place, someone is bound to crack and cause a mess, and/or certain third-parties could start causing chaos. It would be the rulers interest to crackdown on criminals who would cause the mess and judge if the person is guilty or not.
As such, is there a chance that you will implement a judicial system in the Oasis?
I imagine a certain Iudex and some Ace Attorneys could help jumpstart the system?