TG Caption (story) - For Public Use 2 - POVjacksondawg25 on DeviantArt

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TG Caption (story) - For Public Use 2 - POV

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You wake up on a beach. Near the short, slanted stone wall that separates it from the city. You're lying flat on your back in the sand. Judging from the sky, it can't be much later than 7 am. Before you've even moved, you know something feels off (aside from the fact that you're waking up in sand instead of your bed). You feel heavier in certain parts of your body (primarily your chest) than you usually do, and lighter in others. You slowly lift yourself into a sitting position. Your vision is still blurry. As you sit up, you feel the strange weight on your chest move around and some hair falls in front of your eyes. 

"Wait. It can't be," you say in a voice much higher than yours is supposed to be.

You rub your eyes with hands that are definitely smaller and smoother than they were yesterday. 

"Why is my hair blonde now?" you think to yourself as you brush it away from your eyes with your delicate hands. 

You look down at your body. The first things you see are two huge D-cup breasts attached to your chest. You also see your hips sticking out much further than they should be. Further inspection reveals a skinny waist and stomach, a pair of smooth, feminine legs, and a soft but plump ass. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" you scream, immediately feeling shocked by how girly you sound. 

You didn't mean to scream that loud, so you quickly look around hoping nobody heard your outburst. Luckily, you can only see one other person on the beach and he's quite far away. You also notice a weird-looking metal panel with buttons mounted on a pole not too far from you. You look back down at your new body and your confusion turns into a mix of arousal and embarrassment. You've been turned into a sexy woman in your sleep and left on a beach and you have no idea how, or why. You try to remember what happened yesterday but your memory is foggy. You sit on your knees with your hands between your legs and lean against the stone wall while you try to think about yesterday. Although you don't realize it, you look quite sexy sitting like this. You, of course aren't trying to look sexy on purpose, this position just feels natural. 

"Let's see. Yesterday I was... in court. I was... charged with vandalism," you gradually recall a few details of yesterday. "I can't remember what I vandalized, but I was given 69 hours of community service, so what I did couldn't have been that bad. Then... the judge asked whether I wanted to volunteer at the pool or... the beach. I don't remember what I picked but maybe that's why I'm at the beach now? Hmm. After I picked... dammit." You try as hard as you can to remember what happened after you made your decision, but everything is blank after that point. 

You stand up and brush some sand off your legs. Every major bodily movement causes your boobs to jiggle a bit, which is embarrassing but feels pretty nice despite that. 

"I should go to the courthouse to ask what happened. Well, actually, I should probably go home and change first," you blush in embarrassment as you think about your sexy body which you would like to cover with something more than just a swimsuit and knee socks. You start walking alongside the wall to the nearest set of stair which would lead off the beach, but you're stopped by an invisible wall. 

"What the fuck?!"

You press against the wall that isn't there, checking higher and lower trying to find a gap, there isn't one. You run your hand along the invisible wall and find that it won't allow you to go very far in any direction. You try digging underneath the walls, but they clearly reach deep into the sand. You try scaling the stone wall. It seems doable considering how slanted it is, but after a few attempts at running (sort of) up the side of it, your hand grazes another invisible wall at the top. You're trapped in an invisible half-circle shaped prison. The flat wall is only about 5 meters long. On one end, the stairs are only about 2 meters away and on the other end, the metal panel with the buttons is just about an arm's length away. 

"What the hell do I do?" you ask nobody, seeing as the only other person in sight is still way out of earshot. 

You pace back and forth for what feels like an hour. A few people are showing up now, but they're at the other end of the beach with the first guy. Eventually, a group of 5 guys finally come down the stairs near you. You ask them for help. A couple of them look at you briefly but they ignore you. The same happens with the next 3 groups that come down the stairs. By the time the 3rd group is walking away, you've been on the beach for at least 3 hours. 

"Why won't anyone help me?" you wonder. 

You sit down in the sand, leaning against the wall again (just like before). After all, there's nothing you can do. You don't even bother asking the people passing by for help anymore. Oddly enough, you're turning more heads now than when you were actually trying to get people's attention. You feel embarrassed as you realize the lookers are all men and that they're probably staring at your curvaceous body. Turning red-faced, you finally realize how sexy you must look sitting the way you are. You put your legs out in front of you and cross your arms instead of putting them between your legs. Fewer people (albeit still quite a few) look at you as they pass now. After having sat there for a while longer, wondering to yourself about the situation you're in, you realize you're attracting a lot of attention again. You realize that while you were spacing out, you had been subconsciously making tiny adjustment to get more comfortable (as people tend to do). You're baffled to find out that apparently, in this body, it's more comfortable when you tuck your crossed arms under your boobs making them look bigger and spread your outstretched legs in a provocative way. You're about to correct your position when you notice a tall, shirtless, and frankly pretty ripped man (not that you're attracted to him, at least the female body didn't change your sexual preference) putting money into the machine just outside your prison. 

"What is that thing even for?" you ask the man, only half expecting an answer. 

"Oh, you must be new, better press this then," he says pressing a button labelled MUTE. (Author's note: you yourself cannot actually see the buttons)

You're about to ask what he's talking about when your mouth snaps itself shut. You didn't close it, it closed by itself, and you can't open it. He then presses some buttons a bit below the MUTE button labelled FORCE TEASING RESPONSE, ALLOW PLEASURE NOISES, and another labelled ALLOW PLEASURE SPEECH. Still confused about what's happening to your body you stand up and start walking towards the edge of your cage. You're a couple steps away when he presses a button labelled FREEZE. You can't move any more. You're completely unable to move anything except your eyeballs and eyelids. 

"Alright, now that that's out of the way..." he mutters to himself. 

He clicks a large red button labeled TYPE-2. A voice comes from the machine. 

"Thank you for purchasing 20 minutes of type-2 services. Have you used one of our products before?" 

"Yes," he replies. 

"Have you used type-2 or higher services before?"


"Type-2 services allow verbal control and contact. Putting objects or body parts inside the product is still prohibited and punishable by law, however, if an object or body part enters the product as a result of the product's actions, no consequence will be administered. Note that any action taken by the product while actions are restricted or controlled is not considered to be an action taken by the product. Do you agree to these conditions?"


"Your 20 minute session of type-2 services starts now. Please make sure to cease contact with the product no more than 20 seconds after your time runs out. Please enjoy!" 

"What the hell is happening to me and what is that machine talking about?" you silently panic in your mind. 

"Do pose number 1," the man orders. 

You turn (against your will) to face the wall. You bend over and place your hands on the wall, sticking your butt out as much as possible. You then lift your head up, look over your shoulder and give a sexy smile as if to invite him to do what this pose suggest you want him to. He walks towards your ass. 


Despite the immense panic in your mind, you just lick your lips and keep smiling at him as he approaches. He's now standing behind you. 


You feel pelvis make contact with ass but neither your swimsuit nor his have been removed. 

"Oh thank God... Wait, if he's not doing that then what's he gonna-" 

You feel a large body bend over top of you. A mouth begins making hickeys on your neck and a pair of strong hands begin massaging your tits. You do your absolute best to suppress the noises that escape your mouth when the massive waves of pleasure start coming from your boobs after every squeeze. 

"Mmmmhh, ahhhhh, nnnhhh," you can't keep totally quiet with your sensitive breasts being manhandled like this. The moans aren't forced by the machine, they are all you.

Even though you desperately want him to stop, you can't deny that it feels amazing. After what must've been at least 10 minutes of having your tits massaged, your nipples pinched, your ass grabbed, and your neck and ears licked and nipped, the man finally steps back. You now feel extremely violated and kinda horny. Your nipples were getting a bit stiff. 

"Pose 2," the hunky molester ordered. 

You stand up, turn around, lean your upper body forward, and put your butt against the wall. You're leaning against the wall with just your butt, the rest of you is leaning towards the man, giving a perfect view of your cleavage, and smiling hotly (occasionally licking your lips erotically). 

"Take the swimsuit off," he says "slowly though." 

"Oh no, everyone's gonna see me!" 

You take the straps off your shoulders and roll the swimsuit down your body slowly and erotically. He walks over and pinches your nipples. 

"Uunnnhhh," this moan is louder because you were caught off guard by the sudden pinch.

"You like how that feels huh?" he teases. 

"Oh yeah baby," you didn't mean to say that. It wasn't a lie, you loved how it felt, but you didn't say that voluntarily. 

"I can make it feel even better," he says as he releases your nipples and turn to look at the machine. "One vibration, and enable free movement." 

You feel a wave of vibration slowly move through your body starting at the feet and moving up. You can control your movements again but you just stand there, feeling this vibration pass over you. It feels so good. As it passes over your pussy, you start to get kinda hot down there. As it passes over your nipples making them a little bit harder and a lot more sensitive. You have to let your mouth hang open as it passes over your face because it makes everything it touches feel weak until it passes. Once the vibration is done you're immediately grabbed by the wrists and pinned to the wall. 

"You can keep control of your body for now but no trying to hurt me alright?" he says. 

He lets go of your wrists. You're to weak to push him off and you can't punch or scratch him so you just submit. Your nipples are pinched again. 

"Uunnnhhh," you moan as loud as last time even though you you resisted this time. 

"You want more?" has teases again. 

"Fuck yeah baby," you DID want more, just not from him. 

He gets off of you and sends two more vibration waves through your body, this time one after the other. Before the first has passed your knees, the second has started. Your legs are too weak to hold your body up. You sit in the sand leaning against the wall as your body vibrates. The first wave makes your pussy hotter and it gets a bit moist. The second wave has your pussy super hot and wet. The liquid soaks the area around your pussy. The first wave makes your nipples harder, more sensitive, and makes them protrude a bit. The second wave makes them so sensitive, hard, and pointy that they hurt. You can't stop your arm from reaching to touch them but the man grabs your wrist again and makes you wait until the vibrations are done. He stops you from fingering yourself with your other arm as well. You desperately want to relieve yourself but can't. Once you're done vibrating he pinches your nipples again. You shut your eyes and brace yourself but it's futile. 

"Ohhhhhh, unnnhhhhhh, aannnhhhhh, oh yessss!" you're ashamed to admit that the last part wasn't the machine's doing, you actually said that. 

When you open your eyes you're reminded of the misery you had forgotten for a few seconds there. 

"When did he take his trunks off?!" you begin to panic again. 

"You know what to do," he says with a smile. 

You don't move, so he orders the machine. 


You don't know what that code means but your hands are now doing to him what you'd hoped you would never have to do to somebody other than yourself. 

"You can move the rest of your body however you'd like, just stay on the ground and keep going. I'll even let you talk again." 

You can now talk as you please but you're panting too heavily to manage a sentence because you're so horny and hot. 

"Why *pant* you *pant* doing this *pant* to me?" you ask through heavy breaths. 

"That's what you're here for bitch. I bet you got sentenced to do community service or something didn't you?" 

"But *pant* but I-" 

"You can shut up again," he says, cutting off your sentence. "Full body vibration." 

As the order implies, your entire body starts vibrating. Your arms and lower body are still being controlled but your torso and head both fall forward against the man. Your pussy gets hotter and wetter by the second and your nipples are so hard and sensitive that you probably won't be able to put your swimsuit back on when the timer is up because you lose it once they touch the fabric. Your arms are still going at it while you just look down at what's in your hands, too weak to lift your head because of the vibration. 

"Wait. This position he's got me in... I have control, but I'm too weak to... oh no," you realize what's coming. "NO! PLEASE! I CAN'T CLOSE MY MO-"

Your hands have finished their job, you have control, and your mouth is now full. You fall over in the sand.

"Freeze," the man steals control again. "Well I guess the machine considers that your fault cause you had control." 

The man leaves. You're left unable to move for the next 3 minutes. Lying in the sand with erect nipples, a dripping wet pussy, and a mouth full of something that the machine would make you swallow when time was up. On the bright side, you're finally able to relieve the tension in your pussy and have the greatest orgasm you've ever had. On the not so bright side, you still have 68 hours and 40 minutes of community service time left.
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© 2018 - 2025 jacksondawg25
anonymous's avatar
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roxas2222's avatar

really a great story when will the next part number 4 come out with 2 women locked up, a lot of potential would certainly be possible