Well still having lots of stuff happening but will hopefully stay more active overall now
Windhammer Comp: The Draconic Challenges.
This is my first go at a traditional game book so probably does need some editing. (Constructive crit always welcome ). I did put a lot of work into it though. If anyone likes reading gamebooks/choose your own adventure books, there's a competition running at www.arborell.com/windhammer_pr…
There's a number of entries and they're all free to read. You can vote for your three favorites as well if you want to. (You don't have to vote for mine, only if you like it )
Choose your own adventure books: Starship Adventures and Wizardry Level C.
A different take on the choose your own adventure books, they're now being made into apps which is kind of cool I think . Starship is a collaborative work set in a retro 50's-ish space adventure type setting which was a lot of fun to write and read. Neither of the above 2 books are published yet, but hopefully will be by early next year. Starship is almost finished and available for beta testing if anyone would like to have a read through. (No strings attached although we would love to know what you think). forum.choiceofgames.com/t/star… The links on the top post.
Wizardry is one of mine and getting close to being finished (I hope, I keep adding to it but I think it is almost done now). It's about finding a magic book and being thrown into a series of tests and tasks to get a wizard's licence. (Who knew the magic world was that regimented?) The story branches a lot from this core one though and ends up in all sorts of what I hope are unexpected places if you read through it and make different choices.
Actually for anyone interested in writing or reading CYOA books, the COG site where these are happening is a nice, friendly site with generally very supportive people who are happy to give or receive feedback.
Drawing- I'm trying to do lots of sketches at the moment for inktober. Should help get me back into practice and give me a chance to try out lots of different poses and hopefully improve, sorry about the number of ink sketches coming through for anyone watching me though.
Update on the tablet- I bought a 2nd hand one from ebay....then found the missing one about a week later (Why does that always happen!?) Still happy I like the new one better, it's an upgrade.