Jac0fAllTrades's avatar


Keep Moving Forward...
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Deviation Spotlight

Broken Web Shattered Chain by Jac0fAllTrades, pdf

Artist // Hobbyist // Other
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (122)
Halloween: Get Spooky With It
My Bio

Name: Jacque [pronounced Jack]
Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
Weight: too much
School:Graduated with my bachelors degree in Criminal Justice - currently working for BPI Inc. Sintertec
Likes: BBC, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin, Jack The Ripper, Marvel and DC comics, Anime, reading, writing, drawing, Manga, gaming, hanging out with my friends, making online friends from places like DA, FB, Tumblr and FF.net and making friends at conventions like Otakon, ComicCon, Dreamation, Tokyo in Tulsa, Izumicon, and may more!
Dislikes: My brothers [lol jkjk, only dislikes ONE of them] annoying people [you KNOW who you are!]
Work: Lab Manager at BPI Inc. Sintertec Muskogee
Questions: Have anything to ask me, go ahead and PM me and I'll do my best to answer~


Current Residence: my computer
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Lg to XL sometimes M
Favourite genre of music: anything but Rap really.....
Favourite photographer: Can I say myself? xD If not than my friend Alyssa
Favourite style of art: Anime/Manga, Realism, American cartoon, digital, traditional, photography
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Apple
Shell of choice: none
Wallpaper of choice: None
Skin of choice: none
Favourite cartoon character: ALL OF THEM
Personal Quote: "Oh what now! I'm in shock, look, I've got a blanket!" "Oh God I need a cuppa." "Every man has scars on his heart, if he does not he is but a shallow soul." "Screw the rules, I have money."

Favourite Visual Artist
Too many to count
Favourite Movies
Currently: Sherlock Holmes, The Great Mouse Detectice, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy, The Sorcerrer's Apprentice, How to Train Your Dragon
Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock, Doctor Who, Anything on BBC, ID, G4, anime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Cloud, Too many country singers/bands to count, Depeche Mode, Little By Little, Nightmare, Mitternacht, random Japenese Bands
Favourite Books
Sherlock Holmes, H2G2, Dan Brown, Owen Colifer, others
Favourite Writers
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle... Douglas Adams, Dan Brown, others
Favourite Games
221B Baker Street, 221B Baker Street And The Time Machine
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper, markers, photoshop 7, Sai
Other Interests
Anime, drawing, writing, short storys, music, watching telly, The UK in general
Happy Easter everyone! :thumbsup:
anonymous's avatar
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Wondering what the April Fools Day Joke will be on DA this year...
anonymous's avatar
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Man I'm proud of my fiancée :iconmoonneko: for updating her stuff. Thought I would too.
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Profile Comments 472

anonymous's avatar
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bl4ckr41nb0w's avatar
Thank you for adding my 3dmg blade handle vectors to your favourites!
fangirlasylum's avatar
sorry for the late reply, but thanks for the fav on my bustle cage tutorial!!!!!!
Cat-sama's avatar
Thanks for the fave! Have llama!
Jac0fAllTrades's avatar
OtheCleverPan's avatar
Thanks for the Fave!
LoyalSubject's avatar
okay, this is probably the weirdest question you are going to get but were you by any chance ever at the store where they shoot Comic Book Men? Cause I literally just saw someone on the show that looks EXACTLY like you wearing a similar TARDIS costume to yours.