Konan with a skull mask.J25TheArcKing on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/j25thearcking/art/Konan-with-a-skull-mask-589164884J25TheArcKing

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Konan with a skull mask.




(2016 now in high definition. And with a good contrast color and brightness.)

From The Old Archives:
The Old Achieves are artworks' collections of old achieves from 2007-2012 that I was holding in my green folder: drawings, papers, artworks, etc...  I will uploading them here in deviantART to remember the past on those forgotten artworks...

Some of them were suppose to be published on the right year, such as this one which is suppose to be published in 2011, but due to laziness, busyness and it was forgotten. But I found this old drawing in one of my USBs' files which this drawing was already scanned in my computer printer scanner.
I started editing it by turning the drawing quality to a high definition feel and with a good contrast color and brightness today in 2016.

This drawing was done in 2011, in March. 28, 2011 This was done by me during my high school years at free time and the weekends. I finished this drawing.

I added my hand written signature and date for my artwork by using "CLIP STUDIO PAINT (64bit.)" I actually had my hand written signature and date done in pencil in my drawing, but due to personal info I censored it. And instead I put my signature and date in "CLIP STUDIO PAINT (64bit.)"
(These are Old Notes which will be from 2011.)

For the J25 The Arc King series.

Konan (Naruto: Shippuden) wearing a skull mask. She's ready to take down bad guys in this modern warfare. A guerrilla warfare with guns and bullets blazing around.
(Yeah it might sound strange the description, but this is for my upcoming fan made series.)
She gots her gear ready and her LMG ready... She's ready for combat...

My favorite character of all times: Konan from the Naruto: Shippuden.

Wow I really love the character Konan so much that I decide to do some artworks of her. I was reading some of the manga in Naruto: Shippuden where Konan appears and I watch some of the episodes to see Konan appeared. Seeing some Konan gameplay in the Naruto: Shippuden games, images, fan art, tributes, etc... and etc... I enjoy the character so much. The female Akatsuki member.
While playing some Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 campaign and multiplayer. I decide to make Konan a cool character in my FanFiction series like Simon Riley "Ghost" in Modern Warfare 2. I wanted Konan to wear a skull mask like him to make her look cool and dangerous. What if Konan had the mask on and military gear and she fights like Ghost? And she looked like this in a close up version.

(Spoilers alert: RIP Konan... I can't believe you died by Tobi Uchiha... Damn you Tobi Uchiha...)


I'm trying to remember it took me days and hours to finish this drawing and coloring.
I use a pencil, an eraser, color pencil crayons and a black marker to do this drawing artwork.

Sorry about some of the errors in this artwork. Like the eraser marks, some dirt marks and shading, colors, etc... It's because I forgot to clean up my artwork and my computer printer scanner which I simply just place this artwork right away.

Well I finish my artwork yes... I enjoyed drawing and coloring this which I like the way I did this of a close up of Konan's face and right orange eye and her skull mask she's wearing. It looks nice and creative.

Then in 2016 I started editing it with effects with tool apps. Then I use CLIP STUDIO PAINT (64bit) to put in my hand written signature and date finished. I'm glad that I found this in one of my USBs' files.
Finished in March. 28, 2011.
Published in deviantART in February. 6, 2016.

It was done in pencil, an eraser, a black marker, color pencil crayons, my computer printer scanner, to tool apps in my computer. I use CLIP STUDIO PAINT (64bit) too for my hand written signature and date finished.
Image size
1398x1074px 3.48 MB
© 2016 - 2025 J25TheArcKing
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Lorneglomper's avatar
Lovely eye color.