J0TAAC's avatar


Wan wan~
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Artist // Student // Varied
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

I'm a freak. That's all.

Okay, I'll explain it better.
I was born in 1994 in Chile... pffft that would be TOO long.

Let's see...
I don't like my name so I won't tell.

I'm a strange, geeky, nerdy person who lives in Spain and has a.. pretty boring life.
I like TRAINS.
Okay, no. I like drawing. I CAN ONLY DRAW people, so don't expect too much from me.
I'm such a nerd too. If you talk to me you'll notice.
And that's all for the moment.


Chuck Norris is God.
I'm awesome. Deal with it.
Always be yourself. Unless you can be Pikachu. Always be Pikachu.
Peace and Love, fellows.
Rock Lee is the King of my Heart.

Pot Brownies are not good. Trust me.

Favourite Visual Artist
That's a hard question :C
Favourite Movies
That one too >.<
Favourite TV Shows
The Mentalist, Big Bang Theory, SO MANY ANIMES
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
A Day To Remember, The Sex Pistols, David Bowie, Gorillaz, Just Jack, My chemical Romance, Tegan and Sara, Dragonette, Slipknot, System of a Down, Lady Gaga, Spice Girls, etc etc SO MANY GOOD BANDS
Favourite Books
Harry, Potter, The Hunger Games, Retrum, Marina, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Murder on the Orient Express
Favourite Writers
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, J.K. Rowling, Ruiz Zafón, Suzanne Collins
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Pen, SAI, PS, Markers, Colour Pencils
Other Interests
Anime, Manga, Videogames, Nerd and Geek stuff
Well, helo world! Tomorrow I have one exam and lots of homework and I&#039;m not really feeling like doing them :C But I have to, because if I don&#039;t, my Toushi-kun will hate me :&#039;CSo! &quot;Why this title, Tora-Sama?&quot; Yep. My brain is paranoid.  Today I was coming back home by train, as always. There was a weird man standing near the door. He was nervous or.. well, I thought he was high or something ._. But I don&#039;t really know. The thing is, he was weird, and was always moving from one side to another, and doing strange movements with his hands, and looking everywhere. So my paranoid brain let me think extremely wird things; like.. &quot;OMG there&#039;s a bo...
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Soooooo, Here I am again! =DToday i&#039;ve been practising drawing with the tablet... I TOTTALY SUCK OMG  It&#039;s incredible.. I&#039;ve been usin it around 5 or 6 years and I still can&#039;t use it TT^TTWell, yesterday i beated up my time score doing the Rubik&#039;s cube!! YAAAAY *clap,clap, clap* (I amb clapping my hand and saying &quot;yaaay&quot; right now, so you do it too ò.ó ) My score is 1:58:09 minutes hohohohohoohoo That&#039;s not relevant at all, but i had to say it ahahahahahThese days I haven&#039;t really draw a lot because i was busy with homework and studying... ( as if :iconmingplz: ) reading nerd stuff and doing nothing really special 8-)I was going to ...
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Hello World (o.o)/I know only ONE person who will read that, but I wanted to write my first journal, so here I go :3Well, I&#039;m bored right now and don&#039;t know what to write about, so I&#039;ll let my fingers go 8DFirst of all, I&#039;M NEW! I mean, I&#039;m not THAT new, but I recently started using DA and I LOVE IT. There are soooo many good artists in there *o* I wish I could do some awesome stuff some day *___*My friend :devToumorokoshi: and I have a big project in mind. I will be uploading drawings and stuff now and then :3 It&#039;s the story about the adventures of a band called F42 Brothers. I can&#039;t tell more right now, just wait, people MWAHAAHHAHAAHOka...
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Profile Comments 60

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Kurotsuchi-sama's avatar
Hola, gracias por la lluvia de favoritos!!
J0TAAC's avatar
De nada, de nada!!
Si es que, como siempre, bravo. Molas mucho > v <
BLooDy-TeaRs-PanThEr's avatar
mmm eres el 2ollux del salon del comic?
J0TAAC's avatar
Oh me watcheas * v *
Red213's avatar
Gracias por el fav~ :3