Thank you my friends STAMPizka197 on DeviantArt

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izka197's avatar

Thank you my friends STAMP



This stamp was made with love from me to all my friends/ watchers/ supporters. I wanna say: THANK YOU for everything! <3 I dedicate this to you all! because I can't say 'thank you' each time you support me (and it might be boring sometimes ;P )

so I'm saying this through this stamp: HUGE THANK YOU ! :hug:

sorry it's not a great stamp but unfortunately I don't have any special animation program now I just animated it on a site and that's why it has the same speed and so on, but it's more important what it says than how it looks ;)
and I really know thet there are tons of similar stamps here on da but I wanted to create my own to say thanks from me to you all <3

You can use it of course if you want! share love <3
Image size
99x56px 83.72 KB
© 2009 - 2025 izka197
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