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Izanethex on DeviantArt
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"Weighed down by all my sins, I can't ever resurface.
But even though I may be gone, all the good things I've done take on beautiful forms and float to the surface."
The song attached to this picture is Hatsukoi Shoujo by Shiina Ringo.
I must've listened to that song over 100 times over these past few days..
2-ish hours of drawing/inking, 5 hours of fumbling around with Open Canvas.
This is the first time I've actually used a lot of these methods of coloring. xP
But even though I may be gone, all the good things I've done take on beautiful forms and float to the surface."
The song attached to this picture is Hatsukoi Shoujo by Shiina Ringo.
I must've listened to that song over 100 times over these past few days..
2-ish hours of drawing/inking, 5 hours of fumbling around with Open Canvas.
This is the first time I've actually used a lot of these methods of coloring. xP
Image size
700x916px 494.17 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Izanethex
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This is so cool! Looks like all of the time invested really paid off!