Faded Elves of Belerion - Elves in the 6th AgeIvor-Kovac on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ivor-kovac/art/Faded-Elves-of-Belerion-Elves-in-the-6th-Age-930709336Ivor-Kovac

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Faded Elves of Belerion - Elves in the 6th Age



This is my attempt to depict faded elves of Middle Earth living in the 5th or 6th age, maybe the 7th?  This is inspired by the second book of Lost Tales, in which elves are still living in England during the medieval period at the time of the Viking Invasion.  In the earlier drafts of the Aelfwine story, many elves are still fully visible, but many others have faded and become partly invisible or fully.  The location they most often departed from was Belerion, which is a real place (look it up).  According to the essay "Laws and Customs of the Eldar," elves who remain in Middle Earth fade and become invisible and intangible.  This is what Galadrial was saying would happen to her if she remained.  Of course, Galadriel is able to escape, and elves who make it to Valinor are able to afford this fate.  However, JRR Tolkien stated that only the Eldar have the ability to go to Valinor, and all other types of elves are basically grounded.

Why do they fade?  Because even though the elves are immortal, they are still subject to entropy.  

This was done with ink and markers.
Image size
3432x2546px 2.04 MB
Date Taken
Sep 22, 2022, 2:16:00 PM
© 2022 - 2025 Ivor-Kovac
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