Byzantine EgyptIvor-Kovac on DeviantArt

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Byzantine Egypt



This is my attempt to depict how Egypt looked during the late Byzantine period, just before they got conquered by Islam.  I still don't know if it's completely accurate, and the architecture of the building in the background might belong to a later period.  For the clothing, I was able to extrapolate the designs by looking at artistic depictions from the period, as well as clothing fragments taken from mummies that were buried during this time.

The late Egyptian fashion was heavily influenced by Byzantine design, but perhaps the reverse was true as well.  Men were wearing pants, with a tunic on their upper bodies and often a belt as well.  The tunic would have patterns on it, typically depictions of action scenes or historical and/or religious characters depicted on panels near the bottom.  For women, I think, it was fairly similar, but they would have a dress on underneath rather than pants.  The image set on the bottom right was copied from a panel from a tunic that someone was buried in (I think).  I believe the image is of St George, who was very popular in Egypt and still is among the Egyptian Christian community today.  I think the main difference between Egyptian and Greek fashion was the choice of who and what was depicted in the panels.  

Today, Egyptian architectural techniques survive in the construction of Coptic churches, though these have been influenced by Islam as well.  

This image was done with ink and markers.
Image size
3583x2676px 2.36 MB
Date Taken
Sep 22, 2022, 2:14:28 PM
© 2022 - 2025 Ivor-Kovac
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