"Al Infierno con El Tratado de Ginebra quiero mi Lanzallamas"
Current Residence: Pereira, Colombia
Favourite genre of music: Metal
Favourite style of art: Primacolors, Markers and Ecolines
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Shell of choice: AP Shells
Favourite cartoon character: Filia Upcolt from Slayers
Personal Quote: "Drawings are Windows to other World, I wish they were Doors"
Wonder Woman
Other (Leave suggestion in comments)
Please check your DMs/Notes.
It’s been another month; could I please get an update on my commissions?
thanks for the favs Ivanks ^^
Hey again Ivanks, it’s been another couple months; what’s the latest?
Was sorting through things and saw I got a few favs from you a while ago. I've been looking at your art for like, years so seeing you like something of mine was incredible
glad you also like my stuff, you have some great TF stuff too
Thank you for the badge!