Hi guys im opening a discord Exclusively for people that feel that they want a mentor/teacher that helps the to improve! with the focus more on beginners to mid level!
Here is the link!
Join my discord!
Who am i and why should you join?
I'm a profesional 2D/3D animator, i have a degree in Animation and visual fx and currently working teaching character design classes and 3D animation and vfx freelance.
In this group i will guide you to the sunset and beyond!
-Character design feedback
-Also i will provide red lines if asked
-Color Feedback
-Composition feedback
-And more feedback
-There will be an online class if you want to participate and ask directly questions
-in the discord i'll post art advice of my own life experience
Seriously if you think about it you have nothing to lose
If you are interested in donating points here is the link
Donations and tips!
If you happen to discover my DA for the first time feel free to ask me any kind of question related to drawing its free!!
im currently open to improvement so, any critique and feedback is very well recived!
also if you are looking to improve too please let me know how can i help you!
Tv: Doctor Who
Movie: Back to the future
Games: Katamary Damacy
The software i know
Maya, Zbrush, mudbox, 3dsmax
Photoshop, After Effects, Paint tool sai
Nuendo, Reason ,Sibelius
I'm #mrivanovichh on the webs follow me on!
Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
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