Vaccines are for our own goodIttichy on DeviantArt

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Ittichy's avatar

Vaccines are for our own good



Edit: Omg who was gonna say that after making this stamp a global pandemic would came out!
Remember that vaccines need to be tested and is what the goverments are doing right now which means they aren't secure yet (unknown consequences on the long term period after using them) so I would recommend to only vaccine yourself after one is made and out for a while and can be proved that is secure, worth and healthy for everyone!

When I was a kid, my mom bringed me to the hospital so I got vaccined. It hurted and I cried, but was to prevent me for getting illnesses and in concequence, other people as well. They aren't perfect, nothing is, but they are worth for being better than nothing.
We can't really force other to vaccine themselfs or their children because that's a personal choice, but we can protect ourselfs by vaccining us. We can also inform them about the pros and cons about it, but that's it really. They were really created to cure and prevent, not to cause more illnesses.

ferrugineum heart bow Free to use on Deviantart ferrugineum heart bow 

pink heart The Stamp Base was made by :iconzilla774:
pink heart The Pixel sparkles were made by :iconbabykttn:
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light pink heart Drawing by me
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Paper-Piper's avatar

I 100% believe in vaccines, I just have two personal issues when it comes to me getting them.  The first is having a GENUINE needle phobia, not just 'being scared of needles.'  I get a panic-induced adrenaline kick so bad that even when I was a teenager it took 5 fully grown adults to hold me down and they still struggled (for context, I have hypotonia, which is low muscle tone and I cannot grow additional muscle even though I tried to with vigorous exercise) and nobody takes me seriously even when the panic gets so bad that I am vomiting.

The second thing is how I always seem to get the worst side effects after being vaccinated. I don't know if I'm that unlucky or if my immune system is really that frail, but now that I work I can't risk losing time off of work because of being extremely sick. (every flu vaccination I got as a kid knocked me flat for a week)

I wish there was at least a way to quell my needle phobia. I missed out on getting a Covid shot because the doctors we contacted were too busy and did not have time to try and set something up to make vaccinating me easier (now that I'm bigger I pose a very real danger during a panic-induced state, I literally cannot control the freakout)