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Ito-Saith-Webb on DeviantArt
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Well I have some what solved my transportation problems so I can work at home now but it will be a lets wait and see.
This was my homework for my Beginning painting class and even though I started an another still life in class; this painting is my first really completed oil painting. I was a bit frustrated at times but I am feeling pretty good about my first attempt. I also found that it is hard as hell to try and photograph a wet oil painting.
The masks were something I created a long time ago in a ceramic hand building class, the books are fairytale books but I don't have fine enough brushes to do all the gold leaf and lettering so I left it out, that is garlic and something else in the bowl and the bottle is peppermint oil.
Medium: Oils
Time completed: 12 hours + or -
This was my homework for my Beginning painting class and even though I started an another still life in class; this painting is my first really completed oil painting. I was a bit frustrated at times but I am feeling pretty good about my first attempt. I also found that it is hard as hell to try and photograph a wet oil painting.
The masks were something I created a long time ago in a ceramic hand building class, the books are fairytale books but I don't have fine enough brushes to do all the gold leaf and lettering so I left it out, that is garlic and something else in the bowl and the bottle is peppermint oil.
Medium: Oils
Time completed: 12 hours + or -
Image size
3354x2508px 5.84 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Ito-Saith-Webb
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Nice pic. Love the set up.