Isadora-Legata's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (245)
My Bio

Current Residence: Desert of Storms
Favourite genre of music: Rock (of all nations)
Favourite style of art: Anime
Wallpaper of choice: Abatis and Phoebus
Favourite cartoon character: Mizuno Ami (Sailor Mercury)
Personal Quote: "See."

Favourite Visual Artist
Have too many to name :)
Favourite Movies
Ink, Mirrormask, Momento, Batman Begins/Dark Knight
Favourite TV Shows
Sailor Moon, Supernatural
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dir en Grey, Nobou Uematsu, Gackt, Mumford and Sons, Anberlin
Favourite Books
Dark Hunter Series, Dresden Files
Favourite Writers
Terry Prattchet, Janet Evanovitch, Neil Gaiman, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jim Butcher
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy (any of them), Borderlands
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
graphite, pen/ink/sharpie, prismacolored pencils and markers, and photoshop
Other Interests
Drawing, writing, video games, music, yaoi, whatnot.
Like a week late.Sorry.    BUT IN OTHER NEWS!This last year has brought a lot of busy-ness to my schedule, but along with it a lot of fun new things that I've been taking part in, things that will be continued into the new year! The main thing I wanted to share with my deviant followers is that I have taken a step into the Let's Play world!Now I know what you're saying. "Izzy, there's tons of Let's Players out there already..."Yeah, I know. I watch quite a few of them. But its doing Let's Plays have been a lot of fun and its something my cohort Twigs and I wanted to share with you! Give us a watch! Leave a comment! Suggest a game for us to...
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A pair of friends of mine do Let's Plays, and I happened to sneak into their voice chat while they were recording a Dead Space Let's Play.Have a listen! -->
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...and its driving me a little nuts. The comic is called What Happens in Carpediem, found here--> don't get me wrong, I actually really liked it. Its a bit sappy and silly, but I love the art and it makes me laugh and I'm intrigued as to where it'll go. I'm hooked, as it were. I do have one complaint about the lastest chapter.Every page ends in a cliffhanger.EVERY PAGE.I mean, I still check the damn site everyday to see if a new one's up yet, so I guess they're doing something right, but at the end of each page, my eye twitches a little. They're doing it on purpose. ><What are your thoughts on that kind of t...
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Profile Comments 656

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Kuroshi-tenshi's avatar

Ah Izzy I still miss you! I hope you're doing well.

Isadora-Legata's avatar

well, if my VERY DELAYED RESPONSE is any indication, I haven't logged on here in a loooong time, but HI! I'm doing very well, I hope you are doing great too!!

Badge Awards

Kuroshi-tenshi's avatar

Lmao  xDD  I'm glad to hear from you!  And glad you're doing great <3

Hellion-Aingeal's avatar
Hey, long time no see. ^^ was wondering if you do commissions?
19simons's avatar
Hey, do you take requests?
Isadora-Legata's avatar
I do not, but I do commissions if that's something your interested in.
19simons's avatar
Ok, thanks anyway. if you ever take ideas and suggestions, let me know.