AU - We are so far awayIrrel on DeviantArt

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AU - We are so far away



Fanart for my AU comic thing...

This happens after the fire, when Zuko is shipped off to live with Iroh. They are listening to Mae's We are so far away.

I was driving to college when I hear some beautiful piano notes and this guy starts singing and I think: "What song is that?" and the more I listen to it, the more defined this image is in my head. So I HAD to draw it... in class. (darn pencil monkeys XD)

I really tried with the coloring here =D It was a very simple but slow process -___-
Image size
800x497px 136.03 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Irrel
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GoldenDragon326's avatar
I'm more of a Kataang fan, but I'm liking the picture.
The fact that they're 'leaning' on each other and sharing an Ipod... ^.^
(I also like her bookmark. Just throwing that out there.)
Very nice.