Wanderman's AxeIrolan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/irolan/art/Wanderman-s-Axe-1142687936Irolan

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Wanderman's Axe



Among the Nordfolk, a Wanderman ("wandering man") is a term for a lone nomad or vagabond travelling the land, often in search of challenge, knowledge and/or wisdom. A Wanderman travels light, lives off the land as much as possible, and uses only what he can find to survive. Among thd few things a Wanderman carries is a weapon, and one of the most common weapons is the Wanderman's Axe. The axe has a long shaft and doubles as a walking cane, while the relatively small head serves as a grip.

There are many variations, with differently shaped heads, or a spike at the bottom end. In this case, the part below the head was enforced with brass and can be used to pary blades.

Every Wanderman's axe is unique, as the owner will often use downtime to decorate their axe in their own unique style.

This particular axe belongs to a Wanderman named Alfar Heldrynnr. His origin is unclear, but it is assumed that he is a former champion of Haltyr, Nordish god of war. Heldrynnr ("hero maker") is a by-name of Haltyr, and also a name often assumed by champions.


This was the first axe I ever modelled, and may be the last one, too. I spent days working on the head, and I'm still only around 80% satisfied with it, as C4D has a habit of completely messing up any topology. It also really doesn't like something about the model, often freezing for a long time every time I click something.

I had also intended to have the spiral on the shaft carved into the wood, but that completely overwhelmed the program, so I decided to just make it a wire.

For more information please check out the Artstation post: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zxmDmZ

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© 2025 Irolan
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