I am a horse fanatic, a laid-back photographer, and an emotional writer. I love photography and am always wanting to get better. If you ever have any comments feel free to leave them, I love hearing them. I'm half Irish and very proud of it. I'm a former ballerina and currently an equestrian. I've been riding dressage for 7 years. I've fought some battles with myself and I'm a great listener.
Current Residence: Kansas
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Not small enough
Favourite genre of music: Fluctuates
Favourite photographer: Bob Langrish
Favourite style of art: Horse Oriented or Nature Photography and Emotional Writing
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Shell of choice: Wall
Wallpaper of choice: Not floral
Skin of choice: Not mine, that's for sure
Favourite cartoon character: Lucy, from Non Sequitur
Personal Quote: To assume makes an ass out of you and me